What People Are Saying

Read what my clients are saying whom I’ve helped to make a difference in their life to reframe my thoughts around  health, career, money and so on.

I was inspired by Morena's journey of health she has walked through. Her zest for life and a 'can do' attitude definitely motivated me to work on reaching my goals. She is very passionate and knowledgeable about this subject of health. At the end of my 90 Days Total Energy Transformation program with Morena, I realized I didn't touch a chips pack in a month and I naturally implement self-care habits, even in the stressful mist of COVID-19!
Early Childhood Educator, NSW, Australia
After only 3 sessions I could recognize why I go for certain unhealthy choices, I have been able to naturally change these habits, and I realized I’m already eating less candies. It feels almost like hacking my brain without forcing myself to hold back. I’m starting to know myself and stop treating myself like a truck in the sense of emotional food binging. I’m starting to make healthy decisions for myself without even having to think about it, and it's not like a boring duty or strict like following a diet! As I’m progressing through this program, I am gaining back control over my life and my health without craving foods to ease my emotional stress, and this without even trying, but in a natural way
CG Artist, Toronto, Canada
During these sessions I learned various techniques to improve the quality and quantity of my meals and snacks, with less bread and refined carbohydrates like pasta and pizza. I am focusing more on foods that give me energy and I was able to help my daughter with the reduction of sugary foods, without causing her discomfort. I notice how this program helps us to understand how to change our habits while maintaining a good mood, a constant energy level, and to improve intestinal disorders. We have also learned strategies to help me get around family commitments with work, and not to fall into the pitfalls of social pressure during meals. I would recommend it to all parents!
Father & Health Insurance Supervisor, Italy
This program helps me a lot to manage my healthy goals in view of my work and family commitments, since I have 2 children aged 6 and 1. I have finally started to commit myself to cooking vegetables for the whole family, to find solutions to make this happen easily, and to make my daughter curious too. We also made some games to avoid sugary snacks and now she prefers the healthier ones, without making a fuss. Even her mood has improved! Moreover, through the support and reliability system of this path, I started to take time for me to start exercising! I like that many activities suggested by Morena are things you can always do, at home, in the garden, and with the stroller! In fact, I just passed halfway through and I realized I lost 2 KG! I have never been so motivated to follow a healthy path!
Mother & Science and Math Teacher, Italy
In just a few sessions I have started to take care of myself without neglecting the relationship with my 5 year old daughter and my husband; I am learning to organize my time better and I have started to do more physical activity in a surprisingly pleasant way. I'm learning new recipes and original ideas about nutrition and through Morena's support I'm finally applying what I've learned, and I have more intuition about what works for me
Mother, Graphic Designer AND Supplements Distributor, Italy
I loved the way Morena is able to bring together my scattered ideas into a plan for networking and get myself out there with my work. She really helps me keep focused on my career goals by overcoming my fears. I am moving forward every week in a relaxed and uplifted way, and by realizing that I’m more capable than I thought I was!
Lisa B.
Spiritual Therapist and Health & Life Coach, Calgary, Canada
I found the support of Morena helpful in navigating the demands of being a newly appointed lead. We troubleshooted ways of communicating efficiently with the team, training them, managing stress to avoid burnout and to mediate assertively on deadlines with other departments. She also had advice on improving my personal health so I'm better suited to handle the fresh challenges. Her guidance helped me grow more efficiently into the role and I feel calmer and confident thanks to her support. I'm still learning new things about the process every week and I'm thankful for this opportunity which helped not only myself, but also that of the team.
Leader 3D Artist, Toronto, Canada
I did a money mindset program with Morena as my coach, and this program really helped me to focus on what I really needed to be doing at the time and what I needed to stop doing. While we were exploring my relationship to money, I had many breakthroughs in other areas of my life. Now, I feel more clarity in my vision for a thriving business, and how having that clarity gives me more energy overall. Morena has offered a much needed space for talking about many aspects of my life around money. Through the accountability and support she has provided me, I have more order as a busy working mom, and feel a new sense of ease and focus in my physical and mental space. It’s a very enabling experience to be able to talk about such a personal matter! I am grateful for the time Morena spent with me as a client, and believe she will help many other people because she has such a big heart
Teacher and Certified Health & Life Coach, Canada
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